Welcome to the 2023 Conference on Surveys website

The French National Institute for Demographic Studies INED will host the 12th International Francophone Conference on Surveys from Wednesday 22 to Friday 24 March 2023, on Campus Condorcet at Aubervilliers. Tuesday 21 March 2023 will be devoted to training workshops.

This international scientific meeting has been organized since 1997, every two or three years, under the aegis of the French Statistical Society (SFdS). It will bring together researchers and practitioners, from public institutes or private sector, who carry out or use surveys.

The purpose of the 2023 conference is to review the state of practice and research in the various areas of survey and sampling methodology.


Registration are open now!

Some social activities are already fully booked, plese look to the "Social activities" page for more information.

Please follow the instructions on the Register page.


The call for papers is now closed.

More information regarding the application prodecure can be found on the Submissions page of the website. Please reach out to sondages2023[at]ined.fr for any question.

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